The chronicle of the hotel “Thüringer Hof” in Rudolstadt
We look back on a 131-year history
Chronicle of the “Thüringer Hof” Hotel
A look back at 131 years of history
The inn stands on the site of Sempert’s and Kleinfelder’s barns, which Rich. Schade from Wildenspring, owner of a pawnbroker’s shop, bought in 1883 and built the new building in the following year.
- 1891 Rich. Höfler Pößneck
- 22.07.1898 Karl Meinung from Arnstadt
- 30.10.1900 Wilh. Maybaum
- 11.09.1903 Paul Ochs
- 02.04.1919 Postholder Rudolf Streitberger Rudolstadt
- 13.04.1932 heirs: Widow Loni and Ursula Streitberger until end of war
- from 1945 quarters of the Belgian Army
- In the 1950s until 1989, the HO (trade organisation) ran the hotel.
- In 1990 Siegmund Lauterbach bought the property back from the Treuhand;
On 01.11.1991, after extensive renovation, the hotel was reopened. - A lease from May 2003 failed and had to be terminated in January 2006.
- After the death of Siegmund Lauterbach, Ursula Lauterbach took over the hotel in October 2007, followed by his son Carsten Siegmund Lauterbach in September 2009.
- From 2014-2016, the hotel was expanded to include the adjoining building at Mauerstraße 13;
Six modern rooms were created and parking facilities in the courtyard, which had been lacking until then, were added. - In 2021, the Lauterbach family celebrates its 30th anniversary in the 131-year history of the hotel “Thüringer Hof” Rudolstadt.
The chronicle in pictures
Hotel Thüringer Hof
Bahnhofsgasse 3
07407 Rudolstadt
Carsten Lauterbach
Telefon: 0 36 72 / 41 24 22
Telefax: 0 36 72 / 41 24 23
Mo - So: 6:30 bis 20:00 Uhr
Montag, Dienstag & Freitag
12:00 - 21:00 Uhr
Mittwoch, Samstag, Sonntag & Feiertag
11:00 Uhr - 14:30 Uhr